Dargonite on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dargonite/art/Link-s-Companions-451802318Dargonite

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Link's Companions



I wanted to draw a picture of all of the companions from the major LoZ games in one image, so this is what I came up with :3 Decided to do it in Windwaker Style as well, seeing as that was the best way to fit in some of them (namely King of Red Lions and Linebeck), and I think it worked out beautifully for the composition. That, and I just plain adore WW style ;)

The only companions I'm technically missing are the ones from the Oracle series, but that's because I really just haven't played those games, and they didn't look right in the composition...

Anyway, enjoy!
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1920x1080px 1.79 MB
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OliveShuu's avatar

God Linebeck and Midna in the same drawing